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EuPRAXIA aims at realizing the first laser plasma user facility worldwide, demonstrating feasibility and gaining operational and user experience.


EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase

The preparational phase project EuPRAXIA-PP will serve a central role in the overall implementation plan of EuPRAXIA as a truly European Research Infrastructure. This new European facility will serve users from multiple fields with cutting edge beams of particles and photons, while driving open innovation in the technology of particle accelerators.


The European headquarters of EuPRAXIA are being set up at the Frascati site of INFN. Thanks to the already committed funding for the Italian pillar of EuPRAXIA, the preparatory phase project will be complemented by already started construction efforts for first pilot user operation in 2028. The synergy and integration of the European preparatory phase project and the national Italian project will ensure that this project will serve and benefit all EuPRAXIA partners and the full European Research Area.


SPARC_LAB (Sources for Plasma Accelerators and Radiation Compton with Laser And Beam) facility at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) consists in a conventional high brightness RF photo-injector and a multi-hundred terawatt laser.


The SPARC photoinjector can produce and accelerate high brightness electron beams up to 170 MeV, which feeds a 12 m long undulator for FEL generation. 


The EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project, intended to put forward LNF as host of the EuPRAXIA European Facility, will be able to accommodate any machine configuration resulting from the EuPRAXIA Design Study.




EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources

The EuAPS (EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources) project, led by INFN in collaboration  with CNR and University of Tor Vergata, complements the overall EuPRAXIA project and the ongoing work at INFN-LNF with a project on the required Advanced Photon Sources and related additional innovations and applications.


Advanced Photon Sources act here as drivers for plasma waves in ultra-high-gradient accelerators or as plasma-based sources of ultra-short pulses of high intensity x-rays.


EuAPS will set up a laser-driven “betatron” X Ray facility at the existing SPARC_LAB test facility. Betatron sources are spatially coherent and can fill the large performance gap between synchrotron and X-ray tube based sources. This already proven concept, part of the EuPRAXIA science goals, has inherent advantages in resolution due to the small (point like) emission volume in plasma. 

EuPRAXIA-DN is a new MSCA Doctoral Network (DN) for a cohort of 12  Fellows (10 Fellows will be funded from the HE-MSCA-DN funds, while 2 Fellows will be funded by the UKRI guarantee funds) between universities, research centers and industry that will carry out an interdisciplinary and cross-sector plasma accelerator research and training program for this new research infrastructure. The network focuses on scientific and technical innovations and on boosting the career prospects of its Fellows.


EuPRAXIA-DN brings together teams with world-class expertise in an interdisciplinary area of research. To achieve our research objectives, the network requires methods and skills from physics, engineering, optics, IT, materials sciences, electronics and advanced sensor technologies. 

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EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network


Funded by 

the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union.

It is supported by in-kind contributions by its partners and by additional funding from UK and Switzerland.

© 2025 by EuPRAXIA






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